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Need A Solution for Conference Registration Gridlock & Attendee Social Anxiety?

A strong resurgence in corporate events, conferences and trade shows is predicted for 2025. These in-person gatherings will be vital to your business success. As the executive in charge of conference management, it’s likely you’re struggling with finding solutions to these common pain points on your radar:

  • How do I eliminate registration bottlenecks that occur time and time again at our events?
  • Are there solutions for preparing and transporting name tags and badges in our office BEFORE the event?
  • Is there a badge organization and display system that takes only minutes to set up and display at our registration area?
  • How can our company reduce the awkwardness that attendees face when trying to meet or identify prospects and clients in a sea of strangers at registration or on the trade show floor?
  • What can we do to help initiate conversations between attendees that share common ground and set the stage for creating business opportunities, turning prospects into customers?

Easy Event Hosting® solves these vexing issues commonly plaguing meeting industry professionals with our flagship product, the Name Tag Tamer. It’s an easy to use name badge display solution that works in any kind of corporate gathering and within any budget. It allows you to prepare and organize badges before your event, load them in a display case designed for travel and easily display them at your venue, saving you time. It gives attendees the effortless check in process they will appreciate – seamless registration, self check-in and no waiting in line!

Easy Event Hosting® recognize the barriers attendees face before they even get down to business at meetings. Those long, disorganized registration lines – where everyone is temporarily anonymous without their badge – makes people feel awkward as well as frustrated. It delays introductions and wastes precious time. When conference organizers streamline registration with Name Tag Tamer, they eliminate anxiety by efficiently providing attendees with their credentials – name, position and company for clear display. This does wonders for alleviating the stress of searching or identifying people in a crowed business setting. The Name Tag Tamer,™ is an essential social “icebreaker” tool that fosters relationships that lead to business success.

Watch this video to see how the Name Tag Tamer system works.

Check out our Name Tag Tamer product line to find the right system for you.

We look forward to working with you to make your constituents feel like VIPS and transforming your company and staff into successful “Meeting Masterminds!”